Educator Insights Vol 3

Weekend Insights for your journey as an Insightful Educator

Hello Insightful Educators

One of my favorite things to do is grab coffee with someone and catch up on the books, podcasts, TED talks, articles, shows, and people influencing them.

So, alongside the full newsletter, I am pushing out a weekend edition of insights I think you will find influential in your journey as an Insightful Educator.

Think of it as you and I grabbing coffee and jamming on what’s influencing us at this time.

Feel free to reply with what you are finding helpful and invite a friend to subscribe! The more people around the table…the better!

One Person Worth Following

Kiera | Inside the Teen Mind @inside_teenmind is a teenager offering advice, insights, and wisdom to parents about raising their teenager. Though it is geared to parents, much of what she offers is aptly suited for educators. Her byline reads: “Helping parents get Inside the Teen Mind using personal insights and positive psychology tips” and I easily believe what she offers is valuable to educators working with teenagers as well. This thread alone is worth the follow

The Book I’d Recommend

One of my all time favorite books to recommend to educators, the one I offer every time someone asks me what they should read, is Peaceable Classroom by Mary Rose O’Reilley. Every page of this book is solid gold. In fact, it is so instrumental I used it as the founding text when I started Odyssey Leadership Academy. She writes, “I tried to imagine a system of education that would prepare people to make peace rather than war”…and then takes off from there! I STRONGLY RECOMMEND!!!

Book Excerpt I’m Pondering

“By rewarding certain kinds of success above others, schools may actually impede that which they hope to achieve. Instead of fostering in their students traits such as honesty, integrity, cooperation, and respect, the school may be promoting deception, hostility, and anxiety” — Doing School: How We Are Creating a Generation of Stressed Out, Materialistic, and Miseducated Students  by Denise Pope

TED Talk You Must Watch

You can complement this edition of Educator Insights with the Transforming Schools to be Places of Purpose and Meaning edition of the Insightful Educator newsletter

As always, please connect and give me feedback on Twitter @drscottamartin

Which insight above is your favorite?

What do you want to see more of?

What insights do you have?

Other suggestions?

Please let me know.
