Weekly insights for your journey as an Insightful Educator

Hello Insightful Educators

One of my favorite things to do is grab coffee with someone and catch up on the books, podcasts, TED talks, articles, shows, and people influencing them.

So, alongside the full newsletter, I am pushing out a weekly edition of insights I think you will find influential in your journey as an Insightful Educator.

Think of it as you and I grabbing coffee and jamming on what’s influencing us at this time.

Feel free to reply with what you are finding helpful and invite a friend to subscribe! The more people around the table…the better!

One Person Worth Following

This week, I want to highlight a great friend of mine who does incredible work cheerleading, supporting, and encouraging teachers…the amazing Katie Kinder!

Katie is a teacher, an author, a speaker, an instructional coach, a mother and a wife making huge waves in the work of caring for educators.

Katie is known as “that teal glasses lady”…and you can see for yourself why!

Katie Kinder has been an educator since 2006. Her peers selected her as Teacher of the Year at her school, and then administration awarded her with top 5 Teacher of the Year for the entire district. She has been the OKC Rotary Teacher of the Month, and a top 100 educator in Oklahoma on Twitter.

Katie is the author of Untold Teaching Truths and Hallway Leadership, a guest of numerous education podcasts, a Tedx Speaker, and leader of educator professional development.

The Book I’d Recommend

I am right in the middle of reading Sahil Bloom’s Five Types of Wealth: A Transformative Guide to Design Your Dream Life. While it may seem a bit odd to list this in an education newsletter, the connections between the different ideas of wealth and the reasons we educate are, to me, crystal clear. In fact, my next newsletter will unpack the ways in which we educate only for financial wealth, to the detriment of social, mental, physical, and time wealth.

From the blurb:

Throughout your life, you’ve been slowly indoctrinated to believe that money is the only type of wealth. In reality, your wealthy life may involve money, but in the end, it will be defined by everything else.

After three years of research, personal experimentation, and thousands of interviews across the globe, Sahil Bloom has created a groundbreaking blueprint to build your life around five types of wealth: Time Wealth, Social Wealth, Mental Wealth, Physical Wealth, and Financial Wealth. A life of true fulfillment engages all five types—working dynamically, in concert across the seasons of your journey

I cannot wait to finish this, and am already thinking through how to implement these thoughts in my work to reimagine education

Quote I’m Pondering

You can complement this edition of Educator Insights with the WHY MATTERING MATTERS: Creating an Ecosystem of Belonging at Your School edition of the Insightful Educator newsletter

In this edition, I unpack why creating a culture of belonging is lifesaving and life-giving in schools

If you would like to take the next step towards seeing learning reimagined, feel free to reach out! I love working with schools and school leaders who are ready to see education reimagined

From one-on-one dream sessions, to consulting with your team, to sharing at your site, I am passionate about helping you reimagine learning in your educational community.

My work exists to help schools tell a better story for students, educators and the world. If I can help in any way—from workshops, consulting calls, professional development, keynotes, or year long cohorts—let me know!

And connect with me on X (@drscottamartin) and on LinkedIn